Our collaboration with CleanHub

We are protecting our oceans from plastic waste.


We aim to show loyalty to our planet. Our ESG strategy is based on a path to reach Net Zero within the next few years to tackle the main challenges that today’s world is facing around energy, emissions, water, and waste.

Our holistic sustainability concept encompasses the sustainable life cycle of our data centers. We prioritize waste reduction and are committed to responsibly using non scarce materials, such as rare earth metals.

To achieve this, we strive to maximize the utilization of recycled and recyclable materials, and we will employ material passports to ensure traceability and accountability throughout our projects. We also aim to minimize diversion rates and promote circularity in all our endeavors.

In addition, we also strive to address the social aspect, specifically the “S” inside the ESG. We take responsibility for occupational health and safety, diversity, and social commitment worldwide. We try to maximize positive effects for society and the environment. This directly impacts ensuring basic labor and social and environmental standards.

How waste management prevents plastic pollution

Two billion people in coastal regions don’t have access to proper waste management. Waste is either openly burned, dumped, or piled onto poorly managed landfills, destined to impact our climate. Waste management systems prevent waste from leaking into nature or being burnt under the open sky.

It is all about awareness.

Our ESG strategy, a roadmap to reach Net Zero within the next few years, is our commitment to tackling the main challenges that today’s world is facing around energy, emissions, water, and waste.

On waste prevention

In our data centers, we are unwavering in our commitment to minimizing the amount of plastic used to the bare minimum and to recycling the plastic that cannot be avoided.

Plastic collection since September 2023

This is a journey.
Lets walk together.