Data Center Nation Zurich 2023

Data Center Nation Zurich 2023
The industry is currently experiencing continued growth in the adoption of cloud-based services, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and the implementation of 5G network services. Switzerland is considered one of the most mature markets in Western Europe and was ranked as the third most attractive location among 37 countries in Switzerland Global Enterprise’s global Data Center Risk Index. In 2021, the data centre market in Switzerland reached a value of USD 2.28 billion and is expected to reach USD 2.78 billion by 2027. Switzerland has become a desirable location for data centre investments as it offers several key advantages.


Our CEO, Henry Daunert, will be part of this event:
Panel: Investment Perspectives in the Swiss and CE DC Market
Hall 1, 12:40 – 13:15


We are looking forward to meeting you in Zurich.
Please get in contact with us to schedule a meeting.

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